JAKARTA - The commander of Korem (Danrem) 121/Alambhana Wanawai, Brigadier General (Brigjen) Ronny, won a Doctorate in Criminology from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Indonesia (UI) in an open promotion session.

In his press statement, Brigadier General Ronny said, the dissertation contains research on transnational terrorism crimes that are still happening, and how complete the prevention efforts by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) are.

The dissertation of Brigadier General Ronny discussed the need for structural and cultural optimization of institutions to prevent citizens from joining terrorist activities or becoming Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF).

Including giving the role according to the defense function to the TNI in handling terrorism. For example, preventing cross-border terrorism in national border areas through the role and function of the border security task force (Pamtas) and Babinsa personnel as human intelligence in order to detect acts of terrorism as early as possible.

According to Ronny, there are at least four factors that make citizens a foreign terrorist combatant. First, the existence of an influential ideology indoctrinating, creating areas of armed conflict, supervision from a weak state and recruitment through the internet media.

"It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive counter terrorism by the state through the BNPT as an effort to optimize the current BNPT existing model which was formed in 2010," he said, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 8.

Structurally, it is necessary for the BNPT to coordinate and monitor cross border terrorism in national border areas, such as the Entikong and Aruk National Border Posts (PLBN) in West Kalimantan.

This is because there are many illegal entries that can be infiltrated by terrorist networks. Terrorists are part of a multidimensional hybrid war. According to the perspective of criminology, there are citizens who become FTF or are involved in terrorism because of weakened social ties in society.

Then, regarding the legal aspects of counter-terrorism efforts, Danrem 121/Abw Brigadier General Ronny said the government had issued government regulation Number 7 of 2021 concerning the prevention of extremism and radicalism.

These regulations lead to terrorism which is the adoption and translation of counter violent extremism which is a pillar of countering international terrorism, especially by the United Nations (UN).

However, its weakness is that it has not allowed intelligence evidence as evidence in court so that Indonesia's implementation of internal security acts in preventing terrorism has encountered obstacles, said Brigadier General Ronny.

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