JAKARTA - Mount Merapi shows its volcanic activity by releasing hot cloud eruptions this morning. The eruption column was observed as high as approximately 1,500 meters from the summit.

"There was a hot cloud of the eruption of Mount Merapi on November 9, 2019 at 06.21 WIB," wrote the Center for Geological Disaster Research and Technology Development in its Twitter account @BPPTKG, Saturday (9/11/2019).

The Yogyakarta Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) noted that the hot cloud of the eruption was recorded on a seismogram with a max amplitude of 65 mm. The duration of the hot cloud eruption was recorded at approximately 160 seconds.

"The report on the activity of Mount Merapi for the observation period 09/11/2019 from 00:00 to 06:00 WIB, no lava avalanches were observed during this period," wrote @BPPTKG.

Meanwhile, according to data from BPBD Sleman Regency, there is no significant impact due to Mount Merapi lebutsan. "Indeed, some villages have light ash rain, including in Wonolelo Village, Sawangan District and Babadan, Dukun District," said the Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Sleman Regency, Makwan, in Sleman, as reported by Antara.

Until now, BPPTKG Yogyakarta is still setting the status of Mount Merapi at level II or Alert. Yogyakarta BPPTKG recommendation has remained the same since May 21, 2018, namely urging the public not to do activities within a 3 km radius from the summit of Mount Merapi.

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