JAKARTA - In order to reduce the growth rate of COVID-19, the TNI-Polri together with community components continue to enforce the discipline of health protocols (Prokes) through a cultural approach and local wisdom.

This was conveyed by the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, SIP, while chairing a meeting with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) regarding the handling of COVID-19 in the Tarakan and Berau regions, North Kalimantan.

"Optimize 3T and inform cases as soon as possible to prevent worsening conditions to reduce mortality in Kaltara," he said.

Furthermore, the TNI Commander said that the strategy to suppress the positive number of Covid-19 was 3M and 3T (Testing, Tracing and Treatment), in addition to the vaccination target set by the government.

The TNI Commander said that close contact tracing must be carried out and isoter preparations must be maximized, of course, with appropriate support for patients who carry out the isoter.

"TNI-Polri officials in the field must be enthusiastic about helping local governments," he said.

According to the TNI Commander, public awareness is very important in stopping the spread of COVID-19, such as reporting to the puskesmas when the body feels unwell.

“I asked to complete Isoter's facilities and hospitals with health workers, drugs, medical equipment, oxygen as well as the deployment of midwives, volunteers and medical students. For drug and logistical support for people who carry out isomans and isoters," he said.

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