JAKARTA - Head of East Jakarta Satpol PP Budi Novian said the Wisma Shinta inn had been sealed and closed by the authorities several times because it was suspected that it was a place for hidden prostitution. This is the first time this permanent closure of a guesthouse type business place has been carried out in East Jakarta.

"Earlier the sealing was carried out by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Satpol PP permanently. The place of business is no longer allowed to operate. We will increase supervision," he said when contacted by VOI, Friday, August 6.

After the closing and sealing by joint officers, the situation at Wisma Shinta's inn seemed deserted. The gate to the right is tightly closed. The yellow seal line (Pol PP Line) can be seen running in front of the vehicle entrance gate.

Even though there was no activity, some of the guesthouse employees were still seen guarding the parking post. Even though the location has been installed with Pol PP seals on the outside of the fence and the glass door of the guesthouse office.

"A yellow line has been installed belonging to the DKI Pol PP. Closing according to the Supreme Court's decision, the guesthouse is closed. The sealing and closing is because the place of business is suspected to be a place for prostitution," he said.

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