JAKARTA - Bintang Emon was reported to the Directorate General of Information Application of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia by Charlie Wijaya.

Emon was reported by Charlie, who claimed to be a young cadre of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) regarding the video content of the one-year charges for the defendant Novel Baswedan. However, it did not explain why the report was made.

Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PSI Regional Leadership Council (DPW), Michael Sianipar, even denied that Charlie Wijaya was an administrator or a former Legislative Candidate (Caleg) who was promoted by PSI. In fact, through his Twitter account Charlie claimed to be a cadre from the party.

"We don't know Bro Charlie Wijaya. Maybe there has been an interaction with PSI, but the person concerned is not a PSI executive, nor is he a former PSI candidate," Michael said in his statement, Tuesday, June 16.

Thus, he said, Charlie's report regarding the Emon Star video was not related to the party. He said, it was purely from the person of the reporter.

"The party's attitude about this case can be read in the tweet of Bro Rian Ernest on his personal account," said Michael.

Meanwhile, Rian Ernest as PSI's Legal Spokesperson on his Twitter account wrote that the Emon Star video was part of freedom of opinion. And that is the right of all Indonesian citizens.

"Regarding the video of Bintang Emon (BE), we consider what BE conveyed is part of freedom of opinion which is the right of all citizens," wrote Ernest.

Then, Ernest also wrote that the Emon Star profession as Komika made the expression of these opinions very creative and meaningful. Moreover, Komika often includes material that is critical to the government in the jokes or narratives that are delivered.

"Historically in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, art and culture (including comedy) is an effective medium to convey criticism of problems faced by the people, including criticism of leaders," Ernest added.

Comments or criticism from Emon Star are considered reasonable. As a citizen of a democratic country, it is not something new to express his opinion when he sees irregularities, including the one-year demand that the prosecutor gave to the two defendants Novel Baswedan watering.

"Substantially, the criticism conveyed by BE is legitimate. My personal position and BE are the same. As citizens we feel that the 1 year demand against Novel Baswedan tore apart a sense of injustice," said Ernest.

However, in the next upload, Ernest regretted the bullying and even accusations of being a drug user which was directed at Bintang Emon due to his comments or criticism.

In fact, what Bintang Emon has done is a reflection of the freedom of expression guaranteed by the constitution and the luxury of democracy.

However, Ernest continued, with the bullying, the public should not immediately think if this was done by Jokowi's supporters. Because, there must be evidence beforehand so that the problem does not get wider.

"Social media is a complex new area of communication. Accusing that the bullying of BE was carried out by Jokowi's supporters and even being ordered directly by Jokowi's close people is a premature and reckless conclusion," said Ernest.

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