JAKARTA - Subini (75), one of the residents of Talang Sipin Hamlet, said he was proud after receiving the basic food packages given by a number of members dressed in stripes.

In addition to receiving assistance, Subini was also happy because the US Army soldiers were the ones who gave it directly. For Subini, this moment will never be repeated.

Subini expressed his gratitude for the attention and concern of the Indonesian Army for himself and other hamlet residents.

Indeed, previously the TNI AD had held social services in the form of the construction of the Al Muhajirin Mosque, house renovations, drilling wells, road paving and the construction of two bridges each six meters long.

On that occasion, the Indonesian Army, who happened to be training with Garuda Airborne to the people of Pulau Sipin Hamlet, in South Sumatra, Wednesday 4 August 2021, distributed 250 food packages.

These hundreds of food packages were symbolically given to ten representatives of the Talang Sipin hamlet community, whose houses were targeted in the joint exercise.

"This food distribution is part of a series of Army Social Service (Baksos) activities in the context of the Garuda Shield-15 Joint Exercise in 2021," said Inf Colonel Hery Suprapto, Pabanter Kodiklatad.

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