Central Lampung Deputy Regent Sentenced To Clean Mosque For Violating Prokes

BANDARLAMPUNG - The Deputy Regent of Central Lampung, Ardito Wijaya, was sentenced to an administrative penalty with social work cleaning public facilities or mosques.

The punishment is based on the decision of the Gunung Sugih District Court judge No. 8/Pid.C/2021/PN.GNS dated July 30, 2021 for cases of violating health protocols that do not use masks.

"Based on the judge's decision, he has served a sentence in the form of social work cleaning public facilities at the Al-Hikmah Mosque, Sri Tanjung Hamlet, Tanjung Ratu Ilir Village, Way Pengubuan District, Central Lampung Regency," said Head of the Legal Information Section (Kasi Penkum) of the Lampung Attorney General's Office, Andrie W Setiawan. in Bandarlampung quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 4.

He explained that Ardito cleaned the mosque by using an attribute that read "Covid-19 Protocol Violators" for 90 minutes.

Social work in cleaning the mosque includes cleaning the interior of the mosque, ablution places, toilets, planting trees, and cleaning the outside of the local mosque.

"There are several rooms that have been cleaned, such as places for ablution, toilets and others," he said.

Andrie appealed to the public to comply with the health protocols set by the government. He also invited the community to jointly stop the spread of COVID-19 by obeying health protocols and maintaining immunity in the body.

"Let's all obey health protocols. We also don't forget to take care of our body health so we don't get infected with COVID-19," he said.

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