JAKARTA - As many as four female police officers from the Samapta Directorate of the Central Kalimantan Police, helped to recover the bodies of the increasing number of COVID-19 patients at the Dr Doris Sylvanus Regional General Hospital, Palangka Raya City. Central Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo through Samapta Director Kombes Pol Dwi Tunggal Jaladri in Palangka Raya, Wednesday, said that his party felt compelled to help with the burial of the bodies of COVID-19 patients because quite a number of patients had died. "We have trained four policewomen in the burial of corpses. It is said that the Central Kalimantan Police has always alerted its personnel to assist the government and health workers in the burial of corpses. This is an effort to anticipate so that medical personnel at every hospital in Palangka Raya, fall and are exposed to COVID-19 so that later it will be difficult for various activities, both for funerals and treating COVID-19 patients. government in handling COVID-19," explained the former Palangka Raya Police Chief.

In addition to performing the burial of bodies, the personnel from the Dit Samapta of the Central Kalimantan Police also buried the bodies of the COVID-19 patients who died at the RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus, Palangka Raya. Armed with the knowledge that had been given during the training, his party put them into practice so that with the aim of helping medical personnel who carried out the burial of corpses. COVID-19 patients. "We pray that in the next few days no more people will die from COVID-19 and this epidemic will also end soon," he explained. Even though they are forced to leave the house, they are obliged to implement health protocols such as washing their hands more, keeping a distance, staying away from crowds and most importantly wearing masks. never violate especially when outside the house ah," said Jaladri.

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