The Second Dose Of Vaccine Is Not Clear, Medan Polonia Residents Ask Bobby To Reprimand The Health Office

MEDAN - Dozens of Polonia residents came to Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution's office. They came to the city hall to inquire about the second stage of the COVID-19 vaccination process which was carried out at the former Polonia Airport.

A resident named Purba, said they had carried out the first stage of vaccination and the second stage of vaccination which should have been carried out on July 26. However, they have not received it from the Halodoc committee.

"We came for the vaccine in accordance with government regulations, we already had the first vaccine, then the second vaccine was not yet available on July 26. Then we went to the Polonia drive-thru. But when we arrived, the committee was said to be empty," he said, Wednesday, August 4.

Purba said that when they came to the former Polonia Airport, the committee said that the Medan City Government did not provide the vaccine.

"The committee said, Pemko does not provide vaccines, so we went to Pemko to ask why it was empty," he said.

When they came to Pemko Medan, they were greeted by Pemko. According to Purba, the Pemko will check the field.

"That's why we're here to ask the Mayor of Medan to reprimand the Health Service. Earlier, the City Government said it would check the field. We hope that in two or three days, the second phase will be vaccinated," he said.

Regarding the residents' complaints, the Head of the Prokopim Pemko Medan, Arrahman Pane, who met the residents, said that his party would check the availability of vaccines at the Medan Health Office.

"So we will facilitate later to check with the health office the availability of the second phase of the vaccine," said Arrahman.

According to Arrahman, on Tuesday, August 3, 500 doses of the vaccine had been distributed to several health facilities.

"So maybe it's not enough. That's why they went to Halodoc but they weren't accepted. However, we'll check later," he explained.

Arrahman also revealed that the current condition is still lacking in vaccines because the Medan City Government takes it from the province.

"That's why we want to make sure when the second phase of the vaccine enters the province," he said.

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