YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta COVID-19 Handling Task Force is now focusing on efforts to reduce the mobility of residents in settlements which are considered not to have decreased optimally during PPKM. Mobility is suspected to be one of the causes of the emergence of cases of COVID-19 transmission in Yogyakarta.

“The decline in mobility in settlements has only reached 19 percent. This means that the mobility rate of residents is still quite significant, so the potential for transmission is still high," said Heroe Poerwadi, Head of the Yogyakarta COVID-19 Handling Task Force, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 3.

In fact, continued Heroe, the potential for COVID-19 transmission is currently more common in families and offices, so the main step that must be taken is to reduce the mobility of residents in settlements.

Efforts to reduce the mobility of residents in settlements are carried out by asking the task force at the village level or local post to block roads or alleys in the village, especially for areas that fall into the orange, red zones or areas experiencing growth in COVID-19 cases.

Based on the data, said Heroe, currently there are 235 RTs in the city of Yogyakarta that have blocked access roads in and out.

By blocking mobility from settlements or villages, according to him, it is hoped that the potential for new cases to emerge can be suppressed more quickly.

The change in the case control strategy from upstream, continued Heroe, is expected to have an impact on reducing the burden of health care facilities or isolation shelters in the downstream sector. "No longer overwhelmed with patients," he said.

In addition to blocking access to entry and exit, said Heroe, monitoring of patients undergoing self-isolation is also carried out so that they can conduct isolation with discipline.

The monitoring was carried out by officers from the puskesmas through WhatsApp assisted by the "Sapa Aruh" movement from the PKK team in the local area. "If there are health complaints from residents who are isoman, they can be handled immediately," he said.

For blocking a number of roads in the extension of PPKM Level 4 in Yogyakarta, it will still be done to reduce the level of mobility of residents in public places.

Since the implementation of the PPKM in early July until now, the level of mobility of residents on roads or public places has decreased by 50-60 percent.

"For access to enter the Malioboro area, access restrictions are still being carried out. The closure is carried out from the afternoon until the morning," he said.

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