JAKARTA - A total of 3,249 teachers in Indonesia have been certified by Google Indonesia through Google Certified Educators which are officially recognized to be able to train other teachers.

“Revo has also held a workshop to increase the number of teachers in Indonesia who become Google Certified Educators. Until now, we are proud to state that we already have 3,249 certified teachers in Indonesia," said Managing Director of Google Indonesia Randy Jusuf at the "Google for Education" event which was held online in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, August 3.

Since May 2020, according to him, Google Indonesia in collaboration with Revo Indonesia has reached 400 thousand teachers, students and parents through many webinars to introduce online teaching tools such as Google Classroom.

Through this activity, Randy said teachers who have been officially certified can teach other teachers to be able to adapt to distance learning carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Google for Education certified educator Shita Dharmasari said the certification program helps and provides opportunities for teachers to learn to use technology in online learning.

“Google Certified Educators, which have turned into Google Workspaces, make our learning strategy evolve. That we can learn in Google certification, teachers can also improve themselves with Google skill levels," said Shita.

Shita explained that not only locally, but teachers can find out their level of competence with world competency standards, through the Google Educater Group website and community, which often creates training for Google's implementation.

"The benefits are many. I am in Lampung but accompanying teachers who are far away and in difficult locations. But with Google, there are many good applications that can be used with laptops and tablets," he said explaining the benefits felt after getting the certificate.

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