SURABAYA - The implementation of vaccination in the city of Surabaya is hampered, because the vaccine stock is empty. The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) asked the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to accelerate the distribution of vaccines to the regions.

"We are still waiting from the center, because the vaccine stock has run out. We can't do the second dose of vaccination yet because the vaccine stock is empty," said Head of the Surabaya Health Service (Dinkes), Febria Rachmanita, in Surabaya, Tuesday, August 3.

However, Febria appealed to the public not to worry for those who have not been vaccinated. He ensured that the Surabaya City Government would immediately resume vaccinations, if they had received a supply of vaccines from the central government.

"Everything must be vaccinated, so don't worry, because there is still a long time. Later when the vaccine comes, we will definitely vaccinate it," he said.

Febria explained, last week the Surabaya City Government had received a supply of the Moderna vaccine. The plan is that the vaccine will be given starting this week for health workers (nakes) on duty, both at health centers and hospitals.

"The moderna vaccine is for health workers, the plan is this week, we are still collecting data," he said.

Until now, Febria said around 1.5 million Surabaya residents had received the first dose. Meanwhile, about 790 thousand residents have received the second dose of vaccine. Meanwhile, the total population targeted for vaccination in Surabaya is 2.8 million people.

"Those who have been vaccinated with the first dose are around 1.5 million," he said.

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