JAKARTA - The family of businessman Akidi Tio caused a stir because of a Rp2 trillion grant donation that went viral recently. Investigate a calibaration, the origin of the donation is said to be a profit from Akidi Tio's business in Singapore and Hong Kong.

This was revealed by the closest person to Akidi Tio's child in the upload of Dahlan Iskan's writings on his personal website disway.id. "The money was the result of Aki's efforts with business partners in Singapore and Hong Kong," wrote Dahlan Iskan quoted from disway.id, Saturday, 31 Juli. Dahlan said that Akidi Tio owns an asset in the form of a building. Akidi Tio's assets in Singapore and Hong Kong were also known by his seven children. However, it turns out that apart from Heryanti, the others have lost hope of disbursing the treasures. Akidi Tio's son Heryanti finds out that his father has money in Singapore and Hong Kong. "I will tell you later," said Dahlan. once accompanied Heryanti to Singapore and Hong Kong to arrange the disbursement of Akidi Tio's money. In fact, the money lent by Heryanti's closest friend of Rp. 3 billion has not been paid.

Akidi Tio has passed away in 2009 at the age of 89 years. About four years earlier, Akidi Tio's wife had died first. The husband and wife are said to have seven children, one of whom is named Heryanti. The grant funds are said to be disbursed on Monday, August 2, 2021. This is also based on information from people closest to Heryanti. The excitement over the Rp 2 trillion donation continues. On the day he had been waiting for, Heryanti was suddenly summoned to the South Sumatra Police. He was questioned regarding the Rp 2 trillion contribution. The South Sumatra Police said Heryanti was summoned to explain the issue of the bilyet giro which would be used to find the Rp 2 trillion contribution.

Police Say No Prank

Director of Intelligence and Security at the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Ratno Kuncuro, said that the South Sumatra Police named Heryanti, the youngest child of the late Akidi Tio, as a suspect, Monday, August 2.

Ratno said this when meeting with the Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru, at the South Sumatra Governor's Office, Monday afternoon. Ratno said that Heriyanti was subject to Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulations related to the spread of false news regarding the Rp 2 trillion money to be donated by Akidi's family. However, Ratno's statement was denied by the Head of Public Relations of the South Sumatra Police, Supriadi. He said Heryanti was invited to the South Sumatra Police Headquarters to be questioned regarding the Rp 2 trillion donation which has not been disbursed so far.

During the symbolic handover of the donation at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters, Monday, July 26, Akidi's family promised to disburse the donation on Monday, August 2. However, this did not materialize, so the police asked Heryanti for information.

"There is no prank. Today, we invite Mrs. Heriyanti to the Regional Police. It should be emphasized that we invite us, not arrest us. We invite them to come to the Regional Police to provide clarification regarding the transfer of funds of Rp. 2 trillion through bilyet giro," Supriadi said when giving a press statement told reporters at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters, Monday, August 2.

"This bilyet giro cannot be disbursed because there are technical issues that have been finalized. We waited until 14.00 WIB but there was no information, so we invited them to the South Sumatra Police. Not arrested," Supriadi added.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wasn't Sure From the Beginning

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD admitted that from the start he was not sure about the Rp 2 trillion contribution given by Akidi Tio. He said that Akidi Tio's method was the same as in previous experiences.

"Regarding Akidi Tio, I wasn't sure it existed from the start because adventurers like that have taught us a lot. That's why when I tweeted 'Hopefully it's real' I didn't really expect it to exist but I quipped at those who believe in it , " Mahfud told reporters on Monday, August 2. According to Mahfud, what Akidi Tio did was the same as a phenomenon that attracted a lot of public attention before and was just a lie. digging money with magical powers, can find cures for 1,000 diseases, but all lies. I support Hamid Awaluddin who doesn't want to believe it with the Rp2T donation from Akidi Tio. That's why I share my experiences in my tweet, "he said. Mahfud said that there were people who claimed to have found treasures from Majapahit, but their origins were not clear. Then, someone showed a certificate of acknowledgment of billions of dollars in debt to President Sukarno by a Swiss bank in 1962. Then they were asked to charter a plane and hotel for a week to disburse the money with 5 people. However, after checking the bank, there was none. There is also, according to Mahfud's story, who brought a suitcase of US dollars worth 1,000 dollars per sheet and asked BI to disburse it in rupiah and 25 percent would be donated to the government. When asked to BI, he was laughed at because the United States had never printed 1,000 dollars. "From the start I did not believe the Akidi Tio news because it was the same method of lying as before. I have also asked the Governor of South Sumatra Pak Herman Daru It turns out that the governor was only invited to a ceremony as Forkompimda impromptu but there was no delivery of any goods or documents," he said. Support for Awaluddin is Mahfud's experience. The statement is to remind the public of Akidi Tio's contribution. "That's why I posted Hamid Awaluddin's writing while telling my experience. It was to remind those who believe and are passionate about irrational things like that," he added.

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