JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan submitted a proposed amendment to the 2017-2022 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) to the DPRD. However, the PSI Faction rejected the change.
Member of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD, Anthony Winza, considers Anies' desire to change a number of program targets in the DKI RPJMD as a form of Anies running away from responsibilities and fulfilling his political needs.
"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has run away from the responsibility of implementing the program, and has not answered 10 of the 16 challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Anthony during a plenary meeting at the DPRD building, Central Jakarta, Monday, August 2.
In his speech, Anies said that the RPJMD changes were made to accommodate changes in central government policies, as well as development recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, Anthony admitted that he found several discrepancies, including reducing or eliminating some vital programs and activities for handling COVID-19.
In the changes to the RPJMD, the OK-Ocare program which is targeted to build 267 first-level health facilities at the kelurahan level to provide preventive health services, such as posyandu is completely eliminated, even though the need for preventive health services is increasing.
In addition, no solution was found for economic recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic, although Anies' speech stated the estimated open unemployment rate at 10.38 percent and the poverty rate at 3.45 percent.
That way, Anthony said that the RPJMD did not include programs to restore the economy, but instead used the PEN loan funds for large projects that tended to be political to leave the infrastructure legacy of Anies' idea.
"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government prioritizes projects that are pleasing to the eye only for political purposes at the end of their term of office, so that their good name can always be remembered. This is really concerning," he said.
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