JAKARTA - The KPK leadership is considered not to be serious in handling bribery allegations related to the interim shift (PAW) of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives who ensnared former PDI-P legislative candidate Harun Masiku.

This was conveyed by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). Even ICW suspects that the KPK leadership is afraid to thoroughly investigate this case.

"Since the beginning of the case handling process, ICW has suspected that the KPK leadership seems reluctant and afraid to thoroughly dismantle the bribery scandal between members of the DPR RI," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in a written statement received by VOI, Monday, August 2.

This statement, he said, was not without basis because there were a number of events that confirmed these indications. These include the failure to seal the offices of political parties and the alleged intimidation of KPK employees at the Jakarta Police Science College (PTIK).

In addition, there was also the return of one of the investigators, Kompol Rossa Purbo Bekti, to his original institution, namely the police and the dismissal of employees who were members of the KPK fugitive team through the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK).

"For ICW, the issue of searching for fugitive Harun Masiku does not lie in the ability of the employees but rather the will of the KPK leadership itself," said Kurnia.

"ICW indicated that the KPK leadership did not want to arrest Harun Masiku because he was worried that the development of his case could target the elite of certain political parties," added the anti-corruption activist.

Furthermore, ICW also considers the KPK's request for a red notice against Harun Masiku as an effort to reduce public criticism. However, Kurnia considers that this effort will not affect the public's judgment because there have been many depravity within the anti-corruption commission after KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri took office.

"The corruption of the KPK under Firli Bahuri's command is very acute and difficult to cover up in any way," he said. It was previously reported that Harun Masiku was a suspect for giving bribes to former General Elections Commission (KPU) Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan. A bribe was given so that he could sit as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives through the interim shift (PAW).

He has been on the wanted list (DPO) since January 29, 2020. Most recently, the KPK informed the National Central Bureau (NCB) of Interpol Indonesia that it had issued a red notice on behalf of Harun Masiku on Friday, July 30.

In carrying out this search, the KPK has collaborated with a number of parties such as the Criminal Investigation Police of the National Police and the Director General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

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