JAKARTA - The Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, asked the government to ensure the availability of COVID-19 drugs and at a reasonable price in the market. He urged the authorities to take firm action against the hoarding of COVID-19 drugs, along with the network behind it.

“These findings must be followed up by unraveling the network behind them. Where is empathy when sick people still have to pay a heavy price and medicine is hoarded for economic gain? Strict action against all drug mafias," said Puan to reporters, Monday, August 2.

Puan said that the latest alleged mafia practice was the fact that the price of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs in Papua reached Rp. 25 million. Police officers have also raided a drug warehouse in the West Jakarta area that stockpiled drugs including COVID-19 therapeutic drugs.

Police also conducted raids in Bogor, West Java, on dozens of perpetrators hoarding COVID-19 therapeutic drugs and oxygen cylinders.

"Sick people still have to deal with the price game for COVID-19 therapeutic drugs and medical devices like this should not be tolerated," said Puan.

The government, explained Puan, also has a regulation on the highest retail price (HET) for COVID-19 therapeutic drugs, namely through the Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK.01.07/MENKES/4826/2021. He also asked that this regulation be strictly monitored and become a benchmark for the price of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs.

"There must be decisive action to ensure that the HET of the COVID-19 therapeutic drug is real. Availability must be guaranteed so that prices are also controlled according to the HET provisions," he said.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture reminded that health is one of the most basic mandates that must be guaranteed by the state. Therefore, according to Puan, the state must really be present and provide protection, including by providing access and quality health services, as well as guaranteeing the availability of effective and affordable medicines.

"There is also more research in the country for the supply of drugs, including therapeutic drugs for COVID-19. Encourage national industries to engage in this field as well. Cut the bureaucratic and distribution channels that could be a loophole for the mafia to play there," the PDI-P DPP chairman appealed.

Once again, Puan reminded the government to deploy the apparatus to suppress the drug mafia without being selective.

“The current increase in prices and scarcity of drugs is no longer reasonable. Dismantle and crack down on the drug mafia indiscriminately! The state must be present with its strength and power to overcome this. Keep the people's trust," added Puan.

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