JAKARTA - Secretary-General of the Gelora Party Mahfuz Sidik said his party developed the use of social media to provide education about the COVID-19 pandemic to the public.
"Currently we are participating in educational information programs about the COVID-19 pandemic. We are doing it with religious, medical, and social approaches", Mahfuz said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 1.
Mahfuz claimed that the program helped increase public awareness of the Gelora Party. This can be seen from the results of the Millenial Institute's Vote Survey Institute, where the electability of the Gelora Party as a new party reached 1.5 percent and shifted the electability of several old parties.
"The 1.5 percent figure is proof that the work of party structures and members is running more effectively", said Mahfuz.
In addition, he said, several survey institutions such as Litbang Kompas, Indonesian Political Parameters, and the Rekode Research Center assessed that the introduction or popularity, and electability of the Gelora Party was the highest among the new parties.
In a pandemic situation, said Mahfuz, it is not easy to consolidate, especially for new parties. The majority of Gelora Party cadres are young people with various backgrounds, including from a number of old parties.
According to Mahfiuz, the structure of the Gelora Party nationally is almost complete. The Gelora Party already has 100 percent management at the DPW (provincial), DPD (district/city) level, and 80 percent DPC (sub-district).
"By the end of this year we will complete 100 percent or 7.235 DPC", said Mahfuz.
The number of cadres is currently more than 300 thousand people with very progressive growth in the number of members, reaching 2.000 people per day.
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