JAKARTA - The government's move to increase BPJS Health contributions in the midst of COVID-19 is deemed inappropriate. This is because the people's economy is struggling due to the virus.

Chairman of Commission IX DPR RI, Felly Estelita Runtuwene, said that the government should consider the people's economy. Not making decisions that burdens the people in an uncertain economic situation.

"If we want to talk about the increase in contributions, wait (the economy, ed) we are stable. Currently we are talking about the economy, governance, but we forget the social issues such as the impact of this pandemic," said Felly in a working meeting with the Minister of Health, Menko PMK, Head of DJSN, Managing Director of BPJS Kesehatan, Thursday, June 11 evening.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission IX of the Indonesian Parliament, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, firmly rejected this government's decision. This is because the current condition of society is difficult.

"The DPR rejects the increase in BPJS dues. This is the legislative being ignored. Therefore I ask what the actuarial calculation looks like, let us see first. Maybe this increase is carelessly," he said.

Obviously, he said, the government had first implemented the Supreme Court's decision on the cancellation of the previous contribution increase. However, the government did not carry out the order, but instead increased the BPJS Kesehatan dues.

"So, I'm sorry, as if we were all done by the government. There is a democratic institution in Indonesia that is stepped over by the government. Just look at that, the Supreme Court is an institution called the judiciary. His decision was ignored by the government, "he said in amazement.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said that currently BPJS Health premium rates are still far from actuarial calculations. In fact, the government has increased the fee for Participants who do not receive Wages (PBPU) or independent participants through Presidential Decree Number 64 of 2020.

Muhadjir said that with the current contribution rate, the government must patch the difference with the amount of contributions based on actuarial calculations. However, this cannot be sustainable if it is adjusted to the government's fiscal capacity.

"The government has the responsibility to implement the JKN (National Health Insurance), yes. If it is under actuarial, it means the government is in charge. But of course it is impossible for the government to be continuously burdened with existing fiscal capacity. Ideally, this is a mutual contribution, so that borne together actuarially, "he said.

The increase in BPJS Health contributions will take effect from 1 July 2020 after the government issued Presidential Regulation 64/2020 concerning the Second Amendment to Presidential Decree 82/2018 concerning Health Insurance. Meanwhile, for class III participants, the increase will take effect starting in 2021. Whereas the Supreme Court previously canceled the increase in BPJS contributions as of January 1, 2020 which is regulated in Presidential Decree 75 of 2019 concerning Health Insurance.

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