JAKARTA - Pagebluk COVID-19 has an impact on reducing the income of various business sectors. Irwan, for example, who is a surf equipment rental vendor at Pangandaran Beach, admits that his income has decreased drastically since the outbreak of COVID-19 a few months ago.
"For two months there was no income at all, my son is six. If there is a fishing net owner who invites him there is money for food," he said as quoted from the West Java provincial government website, Thursday, June 11.
While his wife is selling coffee and soft drinks in the same area, and it is difficult to find buyers. Because, tourists who come to Pangandaran are no longer there.
They also received assistance from the local government containing rice, noodles, eggs and oil. They have received this assistance twice.
"Alhamdulillah, I can rent one or two. The price is small, Rp.10 thousand, the big Rp. 15 thousand. But if you offer it, just give it, rather than not having to rent," he said.
Irwan said, in the last week there have been tourists who have come. However, there were not many of them, only local residents.
He hopes that the government will pay attention to this tourist spot. The tourism manager in this place is also ready to implement health protocols.
"Yes, I also wear a mask, wash my hands with soap. Already know the advice from the regent, keep your distance. But the income has to work again," he said.
Meanwhile, a number of hotels around Pangandaran beach are also starting to receive guests, although of course not many. According to one hotel employee, since the relaxation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) on June 6, the number of visitors has not increased significantly.
"We also enforce the obligation to bring a corona-free letter and there is evidence of medical tests for guests who come," he explained.
Health protocols have also been implemented by hotel managers. Every time they enter the hotel, visitors will be asked for supporting letters, checking ID cards because only West Java residents can come, and spray disinfectant on incoming guest vehicles. The hotel reception staff also wears a mask, plus a face shield when serving guests who want to stay overnight.
Yesterday, Thursday, June 11, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil and his entourage visited Pangandaran beach. He appreciated the implementation of the new normal phase there. Ridwan Kamil hopes that West Java tourism managers who are in the blue zone of COVID-19 will emulate the implementation of the new normal phase in Pangandaran.
"Then, the most emphatic thing here is that tourists who come must show a rapid test letter, if there is no letter, apologize for returning right," he said.
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