JAKARTA - Two days after the West Jakarta Metro Police investigators handed over the first stage of the investigation report file (BAP) of the former Depok Karutan Karutan Anton, the West Jakarta District Attorney (Kejari) returned the file because it was considered incomplete.

According to the Head of the Intel Prosecutor's Office, Edwin Beslar, there are files that have not been completed. Therefore, the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office asked the police investigators to complete the case file.

"There are still things that must be completed in the file. In the near future it will be returned to the investigators," said Edwin when confirmed, Thursday, July 29.

However, Edwin did not specify the details of what files the West Jakarta Metro Police investigators had to complete.

Separately, West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Ady Wibowo said that while the legal process was ongoing, his party was also coordinating with the Directorate General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding the internal staffing trial process that Anton was undergoing.

"This is a general crime and we will definitely coordinate between institutions," explained Ady.

However, although it is considered that the file has not yet been completed, Ady ensures that investigators are ready to complete witness statements and evidence if the prosecutor considers that the case file is incomplete.

- https://voi.id/berita/70842/peluang-kerja-sama-dengan-kepolisian-panama-polri-dua-negara-jago-berantas-narkoba

- https://voi.id/berita/69663/oknum-polisi-jual-narkoba-di-mukomuko-captured

- https://voi.id/berita/69477/polisi-unjuk-penelundupan-sabu-jaringan-afrika-selatan-pengiriman-gunakan-tas-map

For information, officers from the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit arrested the head of the Depok, West Java Detention Center (Karutan) for alleged drug abuse in a rented Slipi area on Friday (25/6) early morning.

When arresting Anton, the police confiscated evidence of a package of methamphetamine weighing 0.52 grams, a shabu suction device in the form of a cypress, four pills of Aprazolam drug, and a cell phone unit.

Apart from Anton, the police also arrested M who is suspected of supplying drugs to Anton, who was acquainted with the suspect when M was in prison in 2009.

The results of a urine check carried out on the suspect Anton showed that he contained narcotics type Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, and Benzo.

Anton, a former Karutan Depok, was charged with Article 112 paragraph (1) sub-Article 127 paragraph (1) letter (a) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Article 62 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics with a maximum imprisonment of 12 years. .

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