PONTIANAK - Acting Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, Damianus said that currently a number of hotspots had appeared in Bengkayang due to the recent hot weather.

"The emergence of hotspots in a number of areas in Bengkayang Regency has already existed. There are quite a lot of hotspots. This is thought to have occurred due to the hot weather that has occurred in the past few days in this area. Then it coincides with the burning season for people's fields," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 29.

Damianus said lastly it was estimated that there were 20 hotspots. Previously, his party recorded more than 50 hotspots in all areas in Bengkayang.

"The number of hotspots that exist today cannot be separated from several times of low-intensity rain that occurred in the hotspot areas themselves," he said.

His party has taken an early step by sending a fire and forest fire alert letter which has now been signed by the Bengkayang Regent, to be distributed to every Camat in the entire Bengkayang Regency.

"This is done as an initial step as well as giving an appeal to each Camat to educate its citizens. Especially if someone wants to clear land, gardens, and so on, they must follow the applicable procedures. For example, make reports to related parties, be it RT, Kadus, or Camat. to take anticipatory steps if things happen that are not desirable," said Damianus.

According to him, such education is important to be given so that it is understood by people who want to clear land in the future.

“Basically, the government does not prohibit the activities of people who want to farm or garden. However, in this case, the government wants to regulate systematically and procedures for land clearing in a wise way, and not to leave the local wisdom of the community, "said Damianus.

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