JAKARTA - Recently, netizens were surprised by the upload of the Facebook account @Lynn Agno. In the uploader's narration accompanied by a video, it is stated that mRNA-based vaccines such as Pfizer cause viral shedding.
Viral shedding is the process by which the body contains viral particles which then spread to the environment and transmit it to others through coughing, sneezing, talking, eating, and when exhaling.
Furthermore, according to Agno, as quoted from turnbackhoaks, Wednesday, July 28, people who were vaccinated against Pfizer were the cause of transmitting the virus to people who had not been vaccinated.
Therefore, he appealed to the public not to go near people who have been vaccinated. "In addition, Agno also stated that his claim was supported by the American Association of Frontline Doctors," wrote turnbackhoaks.

Translation of the narration in the image above: LATEST NEWS!!! According to the P/F/I3ER mRNA VACCINE EXPERIMENT DOCUMENTATION, AMERICAN FRONTLINE DOCTOR and co-founder of mRNA technology, LUIGI WARREN, viral transmission is happening! This means a spike of protein particles will be released from the bodies of those who are vaccinated and will be transferred to the unvaccinated through “skin contact” and “breathing” which can lead to autoimmune diseases. Be careful and avoid people who have been vaccinated!
Is this claim true? Let's check!
After fact-finding, Agno Lynn's claim was a hoax. Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine spokesman, Pfizer vaccine does not contain any virus particles. So that when vaccinated there is no release of the virus that enters the body, nor can it spread the virus to other people.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States (CDC), still from a turnbackhoak stated, viral shedding in vaccines only occurs if the vaccine contains attenuated viruses.
The Pfizer vaccine does not contain the live virus that causes COVID-19 and that causes COVID. So you can't pass the virus on to other people.
The CDC continues, the Covid-19 vaccine that enters the body gives instructions to body cells to build protein, even a small amount of protein, to stimulate the body's immune system.
"When the body's immune responds, then antibodies will be formed that can protect the body from the COVID-19 virus."
Launching from the online health site, Health, said even though a vaccine contains an attenuated virus, it is very rare for people who are vaccinated to spread and infect the virus to other people.
"Based on the data collected, it can be concluded that Lynn Agno's claim is a hoax and belongs to the category of misleading content," it said.
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