DPR Members Get Isoman Facilities At Luxury Hotels Using State Money, Formappi: An Example Of An Insensitive, Unempathetic Parliament
DPR RI Building (Photo: Irfan Meidianto/VOI)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) assesses that the existence of luxurious facilities for quarantine and self-isolation for members of the Indonesian House of Representatives does not show empathy at all in the midst of people's distress due to the pandemic.

Moreover, the isoman facilities at the luxury hotel are financed by the state. This is contained in the letter number SJ/09596/SETJEN DPR RI/DA/07/2021 which was signed by the Secretary General of the DPR RI, Indra Iskandar.

"The provision of special facilities for members of the DPR tends to show the face of parliament that does not care, is not sensitive, does not have empathy," said Formappi researcher Lucius Karus, Wednesday, July 28.

Lucius regretted that public criticism regarding this matter was also considered a breeze. In fact, the luxury facilities that the people's representatives receive for free come from the people's taxes paid to the state.

"On the other hand, most people continue to struggle with various difficulties ranging from health facilities to isolation places," he said.

Apart from not being empathetic, Lucius said that the special facilities for members of the DPR that continue to appear in the midst of crisis situations experienced by many people are policies that damage the image and public trust in the DPR.

"The repetition of policies or the provision of special facilities for members of the DPR who are always criticized by the public shows that the people's representatives are challenging the people themselves," he concluded.

It is known, the Secretariat General of the DPR provides hotels for quarantine or isolation facilities for Council members, experts, and DPR staff who are exposed to COVID-19. The facility is provided for those exposed with mild or asymptomatic symptoms.

"Yes (members of the DPR) including staff, civil servants, without family," said DPR Secretary General Indra Iskandar to reporters, Tuesday, July 27.

Indra said previously the isolation facilities were provided at the DPR's official residence complex in Kalibata. However, there are complaints so it is provided at the hotel.

"So you see, this is a very high intensity of Council members in their interaction constituents. So the potential for exposure is high, of course there are some members of the Council that I have told about who were positive in the Kalibata complex who complained because they had the potential to transmit," he said.

The procurement of hotel facilities, said Indra, was also in accordance with existing regulations, namely the letters of the Director General of State Treasury S-369/PB/2020 and S-308/PB/2020.

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