SURABAYA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) appealed to fishermen and sea transportation users to be aware of high waves. High waves are estimated at six meters.

"This prediction is expected to occur from tomorrow Wednesday to Thursday (July 28-29, 2021)," said Tanjung Perak Surabaya Maritime BMKG forecaster Ady Hermanto, Tuesday, July 27.

The high wave, continued Ady, was caused by wind factors in northern Indonesia, which predominantly moved from Southeast to Southwest with wind speeds ranging from 5 to 25 knots.

Meanwhile, in the southern part of Indonesia, the dominant movement is from East to Southeast, with wind speeds ranging from 5 to 25 knots.

"The highest wind speed was observed in the waters south of Banten to West Java, the Java Sea, the waters of the Sangihe Islands towards the Talaud Islands, the waters of Fakfak to Kaimana, and the eastern part of the Arafuru Sea," he said.

Ady appealed to the people on the coast and the fishermen to always increase their vigilance. He said fishermen are expected to pay attention to the risks of shipping safety.

First, fishing boats must be careful with wind speeds of more than 15 knots and wave heights above 1.25 meters, barges are expected to be careful with wind speeds of more than 16 knots and wave heights above 1.5 meters.

Then fiber ships are expected to avoid wind speeds of more than 21 knots and wave heights above 2.0 meters, ferries for wind speeds of more than 21 knots and wave heights above 2.5 meters.

Not only that, large ships are expected to avoid wind speeds of more than 27 nnot and wave heights above 4 meters. Wave height areas of 1.25 to 2.5 meters or moderate waves can occur in some marine waters, such as the eastern part of Central Kalimantan.

High waves are also expected to occur in the waters of the North and South Java Seas of Bawean, the West and East Java Seas of Masalembo, the Seas in the North of Madura, the Sapudi Islands, the Kangean Islands, and the seas in the eastern Madura Strait.

"Meanwhile, wave heights of 4 to 6 meters can occur in the waters of the Indian Ocean south of East Java," he said.

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