PONTIANAK - A young man named Luqman, a resident of West Pontianak Subdistrict, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, managed to see a business opportunity in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Luqman raises hamsters with a turnover of tens of millions of rupiah per month.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic and with the implementation of PPKM, the turnover of my hamsters can reach around Rp. 20 million in a month," said Luqman in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

He explained that in times of difficult conditions like this, the demand for Hamsters for areas around West Kalimantan has actually increased. "So there is also a positive side of the impact of this pandemic for my business," he said.

Apart from being well known locally, the Luqman Hamster livestock business is also known to the neighboring country of Sarawak, Malaysia.

"If the demand for my Hamster cattle from Malaysia is around 1,000 heads in one month, so that for this period, the turnover can still penetrate the figure of Rp. 20 million per month," he said.

According to him, the results of his hard work in breeding these nocturnal animals bring in a turnover of up to tens of millions of rupiah per month, while his current market share has also penetrated overseas, such as Sarawak and Brunei Darussalam.

In addition to selling Hamster livestock, Luqman also sells various types of equipment and knick-knacks to keep the Hamster.

"The selling price of the Hamsters that I sell is quite affordable so that those who order online can be customers from Sarawak, Brunei Darussalam, India, and even from the United States," he said.

Hamster selling prices start from Rp. 25 thousand per head to Rp. 100 thousand per head.

Meanwhile, Lian, one of the buyers, stated that he is already a subscriber and is used to buying here too because the price is very affordable and the quality of the Hamster is also good.

"I raise Hamsters just to entertain myself after work," he said.

Previously, the Mayor of Pontianak, Edi Rusdi Kamtono stated, current business actors must be good at innovating in marketing their products as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"It's also time now that business is also done online, so that the market share is not local, but also international," he said.

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