JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has extended the implementation of Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the Capital City from 26 July to 2 August.
The policy is contained in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 938 of 2021, as well as the implementation of the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 24 of 2021 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities Level 4 and Level 3 COVID-19 in the Java and Bali Regions.
In a written statement, Anies reminded the public to remain vigilant against the transmission of COVID-19. Anies appealed that the implementation of health protocols must be carried out and immediately vaccinated.
"I invite all Jakartans, don't be pessimistic. Together we can begin to reduce the gravity of the situation. Therefore, stay alert and don't be careless, always be disciplined in implementing health protocols," said Anies, Tuesday, July 27.
The following are the types of restrictions applied in the extension of PPKM Level 4:
1. Activities at work/office
- WFH non-essential sector by 100 percent.
- The essential sector of finance and banking only includes insurance, banks, pawnshops, pension funds, and financial institutions
oriented to physical service with customers:
a. WFO of 50 percent for locations related to services to the community, with stricter implementation of health protocols
b. WFO of 25 percent is for office administration services to support operations, with stricter implementation of health protocols.
- Essential sectors: a. capital market (which is oriented towards customer service and good capital market operations); b. information and communication technology includes cellular operators, data centers, internet, postal services, media related to the dissemination of information to the public; and c. COVID-19 quarantine non-handling hospitality: WFO 50 percent enforced, with stricter implementation of health protocols;
- Essential sectors of export orientation industry where the company must show proof of sample notification documents
export of goods (PEB) for the last 12 (twelve) months or other documents showing export plans and must have
industrial activity operational and mobility permit (IOMKI):
a. WFO 50 percent only in production facilities/factories, with stricter implementation of health protocols
b. WFO 10 percent for office administration services to support operations, with the implementation of health protocols
more strictly.
- Essential sectors in the government sector that provide public services that cannot be delayed: WFO is at most 25 percent with stricter implementation of health protocols.
- Critical sectors:
a. health; and b. security and order:
100 percent WFO with stricter implementation of health protocols.
- Critical sectors:
a. disaster management; b. energy; c. logistics, transportation, and distribution, especially for the basic needs of the community; d.
food and drink and e. its supports, including for livestock/pets; f. fertilizers and petrochemicals; g. cement and
building material; h. national vital object, i. national strategic projects; j. construction (public infrastructure); and K. basic utilities (electricity,
water, and waste management):
a. WFO 100 percent only on production/construction facilities/services to the community, with the implementation of the protocol
health more strictly; and
b. WFO 25 percent for office administration services to support operations, with the implementation of health protocols
more strictly.
2. Teaching and learning activities
- Schools/colleges/academy/education/training places are conducted online.
3. Activities in the daily necessities sector
a. Supermarkets, traditional markets, people's markets, and supermarkets selling daily necessities: Operating hours
limited to 20.00 WIB with a visitor capacity of 50 percent, with the implementation of health protocols regularly
more stringent, specifically the main market can operate according to operating hours.
b. Traditional markets operating hours are limited to 15.00 WIB with a visitor capacity of 50 percent, with
stricter implementation of health protocols, especially for the main market that can operate according to operating hours.
c. Pharmacies and drug stores can be open 24 hours, with stricter implementation of health protocols.
d. Street vendors, grocery stores, voucher agents/outlets, babershops/barbershops, laundry, hawkers, workshops
small, vehicle washes and others of the like: Operational hours up to 20.00 WIB with the application of
stricter health protocols.
4. Eating/Drinking Activities in Public Places
a. Food stalls/warteg, street vendors, hawker stalls and the like: Operational hours until 20.00 WIB
with a maximum of visitors eating at a place of 3 people and a maximum meal time of 20 minutes with the implementation of the protocol
health is more stringent.
b. Restaurants/restaurants and cafes with locations that are in closed buildings/shops either on location
separately or located in a shopping center/mall: Only accept delivery/take away and do not accept dine in
place (dine-in).
5. Activities at shopping centers/malls/trade centers - Shopping centers/malls/trade centers: Temporarily closed, except for access for store employees who serve online sales with a maximum of 3 people per shop, restaurant, supermarket, and supermarket can be allowed, with Pay attention to the terms of activity.
6. Construction Activities - Construction sites for public infrastructure (construction sites and project sites): Operating 100 percent with operating hours, capacity regulation, with stricter implementation of health protocols.
7. Worship Activities - Places of worship (mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, monasteries and pagodas as well as other places that function as places of worship): a. not holding congregational worship/religious activities during the implementation of PPKM Level 4 b. optimizing the implementation of worship at home.
8. Activities at health care facilities - Health care facilities: Operate 100 percent with stricter implementation of health protocols.
9. Activities in public areas and other places that can cause crowds - Public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions and other public areas are temporarily closed - Wedding reception venues are temporarily suspended - Locations for arts, culture, sports facilities, and social activities that can cause crowds and the crowd is temporarily closed.
10. Activities on transportation modes - Public transportation, mass transportation, taxis (conventional and online) and rental/rental vehicles: maximum 50 percent of passengers of capacity, with stricter implementation of health protocols - Ojeks (online and base): 100 percent of passengers from capacity, with stricter implementation of health protocols.
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