JAKARTA - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 has allowed all people to travel long distances, either using private vehicles or public transportation.

However, the DKI Provincial Government still applies an entry and exit permit (SIKM) as a requirement for people to enter Jakarta. People from outside Jabodetabek who are allowed to enter Jakarta are restricted. Among them are government employees, 11 certain business sectors, and people traveling for the purpose of handling COVID-19.

This means that not everyone is allowed to enter Jakarta, unlike what is stated in the Circular of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Number 7 of 2020. In the SE, the criteria and requirements for people traveling during the adaptation period of new habits to productive and safe communities 19.

DKI's persistence in maintaining SIKM is supported by the Chairman of DKI DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi. According to Prasetio, each regional government has the authority to regulate its own territory.

"This is the regional autonomy policy of DKI Jakarta Province. I agree with the DKI policy to still enforce SIKM," said Prasetyo when contacted, Wednesday, June 10.

Prasetio said, even though the trend of positive COVID-19 cases in Jakarta had slowed down and had implemented a transitional PSBB period, it did not rule out a surge in corona virus cases.

With the SIKM requirements, along with the provisions on who are allowed to travel, and including a person in charge of the trip, it makes people think twice about entering Jakarta.

"Making SIKM is not difficult. After all, someone has to be in charge of the trip. Because we don't know who are indicated by COVID-19 from out of town," said Prasetio.

For information, the Head of the Transportation Agency emphasized that SIKM is still valid for people who will enter Jakarta from outside Jabodetabek.

"SIKM of course remains the same. Because of this, during this transitional period, we are still within the framework of implementing the PSBB into one unit within it," said Syafrin.

Syafrin said, DKI has not finished handling the COVID-19 outbreak. Even though the movement in the number of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta is sloping, residents must also be aware of transmission from outside the region, because several areas outside Jabodetabek have become the epicenter of corona virus transmission.

"This certainly needs to be watched out for and needs movement control. SIKM is the only instrument for Jakarta to control movement from outside and from Jakarta to the outside," said Syafrin.

The legal basis regarding SIKM is contained in Governor Regulation Number 47 of 2020 concerning Restrictions on Travel Out and / or Entering the DKI Jakarta Province.

Article 4 paragraph 3 of Pergub 47/2020 states that the prohibition on traveling outside or entering the DKI Jakarta province only applies to people who do not have a non-Jabodetabek ID card. Meanwhile, residents who live and have a Jabodetabek ID card can still freely travel within the Jabodetabek area.

SIKM can be obtained online with the website corona.jakarta.go.id/izin-keluar-masuk-jakarta, clicking the "Manage SIKM" button (you will be directed to the JakEvo homepage), preparing the required documents, filling out the application form, checking periodically submissions permission to print documents.

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