JAKARTA - The feud between Krisdayanti (KD) and her son from a previous marriage, Titania Aurelie Nurhermansyah and Azriel Akbar Hermansyah has been in the spotlight on social media. Upon this incident, Krisdayanti was asked to maintain his attitude. Moreover, he is now not a celebrity but a member of the DPR from the PDI-P faction.
Researcher of the Forum for the People Caring for Parliament (Formappi) Lucius Karus assessed that, as a public official, KD does not have the maturity to position himself wisely.
This is because the feud between him and his two children can be discussed in the private sphere. However, KD actually seemed to serve the discussion of personal problems on social media.
"KD (chooses) to use social media to communicate with his family. This is something that can be easily drawn into the public domain and means, consciously allowing himself to be the object of public judgment," Lucius said when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, June 10.
The dispute occurred through a social media clash between Aurel, Krisdayanti and Azriel. For whatever reason, this pop singer uploaded a conversation with his daughter.
In that conversation, Aurel seems to want to chat lightly with his mother via the Zoom platform for the purposes of his YouTube content. However, Krisdayanti refused and chose to meet Aurel directly.
Lucius regretted the feud between KD and his son. This is because Krisdayanti is a member of the DPR who represents the representatives of the community. He said, rather than uploading such status, KD should be wiser in using social media and take care of people's problems more than his personal matters.
Moreover, continued Lucius, since he was inaugurated until now, Krisdayanti has not made any proud achievements. Apart from that, there is also no idea or initiative legislation from this PDIP politician.
So far, said Lucius, Krisdayanti has been under the spotlight because of his controversy, namely he was desperate to go on vacation in the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak when the government implemented social restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus.
Not over the controversy yet, KD was involved in a feud with his two children on social media. "If he is still busy with household matters, then how can he be expected to talk much about national issues?" said Lucius.
PDI Perjuangan and MKD DPR were asked to warn KDLucius asked PDI Perjuangan officials to reprimand Krisdayanti for this incident. Because, this has a bad impact on the party bearing the bull symbol.
"What is important is how the party can at the same time become an institution that not only cares about cadres for electability matters, but also for matters of capacity building of cadres in accordance with the party's ideology," he said.
Apart from parties, he asked the DPR's Honorary Council (MKD) to take a stand on KD's behavior. Do not let the personal problems of a DPR member become ammunition which will further worsen the image of the DPR.
"Because of that I think it is important to take the initiative to summon KD to be asked to solve his personal problems so as not to have a negative impact on the image of his institution," said Lucius.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the MKD DPR RI Saleh Partaonan Daulay asked Krisdayanti not to bring this problem to the public domain. "The reason is, there are many things that are inappropriate for public consumption. Therefore, if there is a problem, it should be resolved in a friendly manner," said Saleh.
The politician from the National Mandate Party (PAN) emphasized that this kind of problem is unethical if it becomes public knowledge. Moreover, KD is now not a celebrity like he used to be. Now, he is the people's representative in parliament.
In addition, he considered, this problem occurred because there was a communication error. So there is no need to over-indulge in the public domain and solve it wisely.
"I see it as an exclusive family affair, between children and parents. In principle, they must love each other. How wonderful it would be if this problem was resolved in a good way," he concluded.
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