JAKARTA - Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad asserted that the vaccine does not kill COVID-19, but to increase the body's immunity of each individual so that if infected with the virus does not experience dangerous symptoms. Therefore, Ansar asked for the presence of the vaccine not to make people complacent in implementing health protocols. "Prokes must still be tightened, because this vaccine is not to remove COVID-19 but to build immunity. I have been vaccinated, I was exposed but recovered," said the Governor in Tanjungpinang, quoted by Antara, Saturday, July 24. Ansar also explained based on the results of health research. that of the 200 cases of people who were confirmed positive for COVID-19, as many as 199 people were declared to have recovered without experiencing severe symptoms. Those who have recovered are people who have received vaccine injections. "This means that 99 percent of people who die from COVID-19, it turns out that they have not been vaccinated," said Ansar.

The Golkar Party politician invited the entire Riau Islands community to be aware of the COVID-19 vaccine. People who have not received the vaccine are advised to immediately go to the nearest vaccination venues. "This vaccine is important because it is a way of forming a collective immune. Once again I say, we do not kill COVID-19 with a vaccine, but tame it," he emphasized. Ansar also Thank you to all the people who have vaccinated and to all stakeholders who are persistent and work together in campaigning for the COVID-19 vaccination program, so that Riau Islands are considered successful in administering vaccinations nationally. "After Bali and DKI Jakarta, Riau Islands are in the third best position. for vaccination achievements. We are even the best outside Java and Bali, "said Ansar.

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