JAKARTA - Makassar City Satpol PP, South Sulawesi, finally dismantled the wall covering the rear access road to Tahfiz Al-Quran Nurul Jihad's house, which was previously permanently closed using wall material by Amiruddin, a member of the Pangkep Regency DPRD, who has a house next to it. It's a public public facility owned by the government. This incident is purely due to a misunderstanding between fellow citizens," said Panakkukang sub-district head M Thahir Rasyid after demolition of the wall on Jalan Ance Daeng Ngoyo, Lorong 8, Masale Village, Makassar, as reported by Antara, Saturday, July 24. said that as a representative of the Makassar City Government, it was his duty to give warnings to the public if they violated building on public facilities (fasum) land, because it was an asset belonging to the government. Amiruddin's house, Chairman of the South Sulawesi PAN DPW Ashabul Kahfi and the management him, the head of RT/RW and local residents. "With awareness and humility he (Amiruddin) started the demolition today. Hopefully it will be a charity. In essence, this is a misunderstanding, because all roads are public and free for anyone to access. At first I intended to demolish it, I was just waiting for him to start," said Thahir. The man familiarly called Deng Ali added, for the certificate owned, it was known that only the land area of the house until the fence was purchased from the first owner. So the wall that was built was not part of the land. but it has become a fasum.

Meanwhile, the owner of the house Amiruddin on that occasion apologized for the wall that was built because it became a problem so that there was a misunderstanding with the residents. He explained that when he bought the house in 2012, there was no door, and only a wall. Later, the Tahfiz House was built and the manager asked for a road to be opened to enter building materials, and promised to close again after the building was completed. However, after several years it was not closed and then made a door to be used as an exit after the tahfiz house had been operating for three years. "The previous owner didn't exist (the door). Then he (the manager) bought it, he didn't tell the owner that it was only a temporary access, not the main access. , then it became the main access. At first it was closed, there was no road access there," said the former Camat explaining. The member of the Regency DPRD from PAN denied and vowed never to utter harsh words or be uncomfortable with the presence of the Al-Quran Memorizing House. This incident is just a mere misunderstanding. "If I could swear, that all my goodness well, I have been to the holy land four times, four children, one wife, if there is language out of my lips, I can not in the afterlife. language that is uncomfortable listening to the Koran," he clarified. "I think this (problem) has been resolved because there has been a mutual agreement, there are RW, Camat, Kapolsek and Danramil, that's the result of deliberation to agree to open it (to tear down the wall) so nothing Previously, Amiruddin closed two back door access, namely the house of Tahfiz Al-Quran Nurul Jihad and one other resident, with stone walls, because he felt it was not the main access road but initially only used temporarily. After being walled, residents protested until it ended in a problem and then it went viral and ended up in the realm of law.

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