JAKARTA - There is a new atmosphere from daily exposures related to developments in handling COVID-19. Usually, this development is explained by the government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto.

Starting today, Yuri is assisted by the public communications team of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, doctor Reisa Broto Asmoro.

"I am accompanied by a doctor who has been actively involved in COVID-19 prevention education, doctor Reisa Broto Asmoro. He will convey information and education related to COVID-19 prevention," Yuri said at a press conference at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday. , June 8th.

When confirmed, Yuri said she would announce the daily progress of handling COVID-19 with Reisa from today until the next time.

"(The announcement of the development of COVID-19) is done together. Reisa is more towards education, I am focusing on data performance," Yuri said when confirmed.

Getting to know Reisa Broto Asmoro

Summarized from various sources, the woman whose full name is Reisa Kartikasari Broto Asmoro is a doctor who practices at the Beauty Clinic in South Jakarta.

In 2010, she was a finalist for Puteri Indonesia, a representative from DI Yogyakarta province. From this contest, she received the title Putri Indonesia Lingkungan 2010. She also participated in the Miss International 2011 contest.

Now, Reisa appears to host Dr. OZ Indonesia in a private television station. He is also active on Instagram social media, with a number of followers (followers) of 1.5 million people.

Today, Reisa explained that the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 had categorized areas into green, yellow, orange, and red categories according to their epidemiological indicators.

He also advised the public about carrying out daily activities with new habits in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. He said that adapting to the New Habit is a way out, a way that almost the whole world is implementing it.

"We have to start new habits now and we must do it even though an area has been categorized as a green zone, which is calculated based on data and facts in the field. This applies to all regions in Indonesia," Reisa explained.

As long as a vaccine or cure for COVID-19 has not been found, Reisa asks the public to practice new habits starting from homes, places of worship, markets, shops, public transportation, hotels, restaurants, offices, and other places.

"Keep washing your hands with soap so you don't get infected and infect, don't touch your eyes, your nose, your mouth if you can't make sure your hands are clean, keep wearing masks when you leave the house. Using the right masks will save yourself and save others," Reisa said.

"From now on, maintain a physical distance of at least 1 meter with other people. Avoid crowding, especially with large crowds. This is a new habit that we must live by," he added.

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