JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has imposed sanctions on the Acting Director of Asset Tracking, Evidence and Asset Management (Labuksi) Mungki Hadipratikto. He was found guilty of violating the code of ethics and code of conduct as a member of the anti-corruption commission.

The imposition of this sanction relates to the theft of evidence in the form of gold weighing 1.9 kg by former member of the KPK Task Force I Gede Arysuryanthara last April.

"Declaring the examinee Mungki Hadipratikto guilty of committing violations in the form of not working according to SOPs and not reporting allegations of violations of the code of ethics and code of conduct committed by commission personnel," said Chairman of the Panel of Judges for the Ethics Session who is also a member of the KPK Supervisory Board, Albertina Ho, in an online hearing, Friday. , July 23.

For his actions, Mungki was then given a light sanction in the form of a written warning II with a sentence of six months. The burdensome thing, according to the KPK Council, Mungki as the Acting Director of Labuksi should be an example in implementing the SOP.

"However, the examinee did the opposite," said a member of the KPK Supervisory Board as a member of the ethics trial assembly, Harjono.

In addition, Mungki also did not report allegations of violations of the code of ethics and code of conduct committed by KPK employees in his work unit.

While the mitigating thing is that Mungki admits and is honest about his actions and regrets it. Not only that, he has never violated the code of ethics before.

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