JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas invites all religious communities to gather strength, both externally and internally, in an effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic so that it ends soon.

"In a pandemic situation that is a big trial for all humanity. Let's strengthen solidarity, mutual cooperation, and optimism so that the ordeal will continue. We will mobilize both outer and inner strength," said the Minister of Religion quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 22.

In this activity, a number of figures, both in ministries/institutions, ulama, boarding school caregivers, and the general public took part in praying for those who died due to COVID-19.

Yaqut said that outwardly all people were invited to continue to apply health protocols, follow vaccination programs, and work together to help those who were in distress.

This outward effort must be perfected with an inward effort, namely praying to the Creator, asking for His help to immediately end the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The National Tahlil is a continuation of our inner efforts, raising our prayers and hopes that the COVID-19 pandemic will end soon," he said.

In addition, the Minister of Religion invited all elements of society to support the PPKM Level 3 and 4 policies as determined by the government. Support from religious leaders and religious organizations will mean in maintaining the peace of the people.

"I think the government will also continue to make efforts physically, this morning I received eight million doses (raw materials, ed.) of the Sinovac vaccine and will soon be distributed to all citizens of this nation," he said.

The Minister of Religion also asked the public to pray for those who have died due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Let's pray for the pandemic to end soon and pray for the martyrs who have preceded us," he said.

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