JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reminded the West Java Regional Government to reduce community mobility in industrial and tourism areas so that the handling of COVID-19 is carried out properly.

Referring to Google Community Mobility Report data as of July 16, 2021, the movement of people in a number of areas in West Java has not decreased significantly.

"So for West Java Province, additional efforts are needed so that the implementation of restrictions can be better," said Vice President Ma'ruf when giving directions for handling COVID-19 in West Java via video conference quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 22.

The vice president asked all regional heads, from West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil to regents and mayors, to increase consolidation in the Level 4 Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

In the midst of the precarious condition of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the hard work and cooperation of regional leaders with ministries and non-ministerial government agencies (K/L) at the center is very much needed.

The vice president emphasized that coordination between regional heads must also be improved so that there are no differences in data and differences in views.

“I want to encourage better coordination between the central and regional governments. All parties have worked hard and have carried out their duties as well as possible, but indeed this pandemic requires extra hard work and cooperation, hand in hand between the center and the regions, "explained the Vice President.

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil in the video conference said the low decline in community mobility was because the West Java area was connected to areas with industrial centers, namely Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek).

“Mr. Vice President, I report that this is a map of West Java, where I conveyed the decline in mobility earlier, I beg your permission, it cannot be compared with a homogeneous Jakarta. Because we have different types of mobility. In areas that are black, Mr. Vice President, those are areas where the majority of factories are in fact working on night shifts," said Ridwan.

These industrial areas are generally located in the North Coast area where the reduction in mobility has not been maximized, so that it affects the percentage of community mobility in West Java in general, he added.

In addition, Ridwan revealed that densely populated areas, which are connected to the city center, also cause a decrease in community mobilization in West Java, which is lower than in other small districts.

"So the decline in mobility is relatively not maximal. This is what affects the performance of decreased mobility in general. Yesterday, it was fixed, Mr. Vice President, for example, we conducted a raid with the Kapolda," said Ridwan Kamil.

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