JAKARTA - The West Java NasDem Party has optimized the PPKM extension policy by building a COVID-18 vaccination center with a target of realizing 30,000 doses.

Member of the House of Representatives and Chair of the West Java NasDem Party DPW, Saan Mustopa, said the acceleration of the vaccination program was the key to saving health in order to re-stabilize economic problems as a follow-up impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that is still sticking out.

"It is hoped that it can encourage the community's economic recovery," said Saan to reporters, Thursday, June 22.

The secretary of the NasDem Faction of the DPR said that this vaccination center was a form of commitment from the West Java NasDem Party DPW in supporting the government's efforts to suppress the spread of COVID-19.

"Where is currently still experiencing a surge in society," he said.

For information, vaccination activities in the NasDem Peduli program were carried out in 11 DPD of the West Java Nasdem party. Currently running in the city of Bandung.

"Furthermore, it will be carried out in Karawang district, Bogor city, Bogor district, Cirebon district, Garut district, Subang district, Cirebon city, Sukabumi district, Depok city, Bekasi district," added Saan.

This vaccination activity will last for 4 days, starting from 22 to 25 July 2021 at the West Java NasDem Party DPW office with a time-sharing system.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Advisory Council of the West Java DPW NasDem Party, Rajiv, assessed that this vaccination is a form of grounding political parties with the community.

"We always emphasize that political parties are a forum for the community to channel their political aspirations. However, they have a dual function, political parties are the social media closest to the community," he said.

Rajiv said he was concerned that there were still people who tended to blame the government for the surge in COVID-19 and the low realization of vaccinations. In fact, he said, the spike was a result of people's mobility. Meanwhile, the realization of vaccination, it must be admitted, is still hampered by implementing agencies in the field.

"With NasDem Peduli, we become volunteers to help the government in the realization of vaccinations," he said.

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