JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa to accelerate the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination by increasing the number of people receiving vaccine doses. Khofifah explained the obstacles faced in the COVID-19 vaccination. "From the vaccination target of 31.8 (million people), until now if I'm not mistaken it has only reached 8.36 percent. Maybe this is trying to confirm this, is it true? What obstacles are still being faced? by East Java?" said Vice President Ma'ruf through a video conference from the vice president's official residence quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 21. The vice president said all regional governments (local governments) must coordinate with each other to resolve various obstacles experienced in handling COVID-19. We are trying to find the obstacle, so that there are no more obstacles in the field, so that it can run well, said the Governor," added the Vice President. Meanwhile, Khofifah said the obstacle to the COVID-19 vaccination in East Java was related to the insufficient number of doses. East Java did get the most doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from the central government, said Khofifah. However, the number of doses must be redistributed to each health office (dinkes) in the district and city. That's why the COVID-19 vaccination target in East Java is still far from the target. "So, Mr. Vice President, if you take a photo of the stock (vaccine) in East Java, the number is definitely large. in the health offices of each district and city?" Khofifah said.

Therefore, Khofifah said that there needs to be a wider socialization to all levels of the regency and city government so that the existing vaccine stock can be immediately distributed to the public. spend it, spend it (the existing stock of doses)," said Khofifah.

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