JAKARTA - The Government of Boyolali Regency, Central Java, has extended the registration period for prospective civil servants (CPNS) and government employees with a work agreement (PPPK) for functional positions for the 2021 fiscal year, until July 26.

"The State Civil Service Agency (BKN) has extended the registration period for CPNS and PPPK selection participants, all of which the deadline is closed, this Wednesday and has now been extended to Monday, July 26," said the Head of Career Arrangement and Development of the Personnel, Education and Inauguration Agency. Region (BKP2D) Boyolali Regency, Dono Fembriarto, in Boyolali, reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

"We hope that with the extension of the registration period, we can attract more CPNS applicants in the Boyolali Regency Government," said Dono.

He said as many as 1,952 formations with certain educational qualifications were opened to the public to become part of the big family of the Boyolali Regency Government this year.

According to him, with the extension of the registration period until July 26, 2021, it is with the consideration that there are still a few regencies with a small number of applicants, or there are formations that have not been filled.

"With the extended registration period, we hope to be able to attract more applicants," he said.

In this pandemic situation, the implementation of the limitation on community activities (PPKM), is a consideration for extending the registration period for CPNS and it is hoped that it will increase the number of applicants who register to make it more competitive.

The Boyolali Regency Government this year, he said, has opened a number of 1,656 formations for the Teacher Functional Position PPKK (PPPK). In addition, the formation of health workers is given a quota of 178, namely from the CPNS line with 30 formations and the PPPK line with 148 formations. There are also 118 technical formations consisting of 79 CPNS lines and 39 formations for PPPK lines.

The number of CPNS registrants at the Boyolali Regency Government, as of Wednesday, July 21, at 08.47 WIB, was recorded as 2,713 applicants. The number consists of 1,620 applicants who have reached the stage of filling out the form and 1,093 applicants who have submitted (collected) CPNS applications. The Boyolali Regency Government's non-teacher first aid group formation has recruited 769 applicants with 499 applicants filling out forms, and 270 people submitting first aid applications.

Referring to the formation that is still empty of registrants, his party revealed the formation of rescuers and managers of procurement of goods and services that lack of interest. This is thought to be because applicants must include a competency certificate in accordance with MenpanRB Decree No.981 of 2021 concerning Certification Requirements.

Meanwhile, for now the formation of positions that have the qualifications of accounting economics education is still the prima donna for applicants. "All of Indonesia is empty of applicants because movement between regions is likely to be slim," he said

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