JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini ensured that the receipt of social assistance (Bansos), namely Cash Social Assistance (BST), Family Hope Program (PKH) and Basic Food Cards/BPNT were right on target during the Emergency PPKM period, during blusukan in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Risma walked through small villages on Monday, July 19 morning to meet a number of residents and invite dialogue, while making sure they had received social assistance.

"Have you (you) received BST?" Risma asked the residents, in an official statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, July 19.

One of the residents of RT 25 RW 7 Ngapusan, Yogyakarta City Sari Bardani answered that he had received social assistance worth Rp600,000.

Risma again looked for residents who received BST, including Pransius Rudi Asisi who was suffering from a stroke. With the help of his brother, Rudi has already received BST at the post office.

Risma also made sure that no one cut the value of the social assistance when it was disbursed. He asked one of the residents, Yani (40) who is listed as a PKH recipient.

"Are there any cuts during the disbursement of social assistance?" asked Risma.

Yani said no one cut the value of the disbursed social assistance.

Risma reminded her party that they would act decisively against the companions who were playing games. He emphasized that the assistants should carry out their mandate, which is to provide honest information to the recipients of social assistance.

"Thank you to the companion who has been honest and escorted the social assistance until it reaches the recipient. For residents, if someone is messing with the social assistance, just report it to me, they won't take strict action!” Risma said.

To ensure field checks for recipients of BST, BPNT and PKH social assistance, the Social Minister immediately took a photo of the ID card and identity card of the recipient of the social assistance.

In July 2021, DI Yogyakarta was recorded as distributing 186,017 KPM PKH, 124,700 KPM BST. BPNT / Basic Food Cards totaling 383,220 KPM. These social aids are already in the process of being distributed to KPM.

Accelerate the disbursement of BST, BPNT/Sembako Cards and PKH social assistance as an anticipation of the impact of the Emergency PPKM policy, so that the Ministry of Social Affairs optimizes social assistance which is expected to increase the purchasing power of beneficiaries.

The Ministry of Social Affairs is also working with Perum Bulog to distribute 10 kg rice packages for 10 million KPM PKH and 10 million KPM BST.

The Ministry of Social Affairs distributed 5 kg of rice assistance specifically for the informal sector workers in Java-Bali who were unable to work due to restrictions on activities in the Emergency PPKM.

For the supply and distribution of rice, the Ministry of Social Affairs partnered with Perum Bulog which directly delivered aid to the beneficiaries. This was in response to President Joko's directive regarding accelerating the distribution of social assistance.

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