JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Muhammad Tito Karnavian asked the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) to prioritize persuasive action over coercive action in enforcing the rules for implementing restrictions on community activities (PPKM).

In enforcing the rules by police units, including Satpol PP, there are stages that need to be taken.

Persuasive efforts and socialization are the initial stages, while law enforcement with coercive efforts is the last resort with a note, if it is really needed.

"This is to discipline the community, but field officers, our members so that they actually carry out actions in persuasive ways first, coercive efforts are a last resort, if necessary," said Minister Tito in a statement quoted by Antara, Monday. , July 19.

The rules contained in the PPKM policy still need to be firmly enforced. The principle of coercive law enforcement is a last resort that can be used, it must also be adapted to the needs in the field and the prevailing culture in society.

"As long as persuasive steps can be taken, massive socialization is obeyed, then enforcement by using authority, force, is a last resort," he said.

The Minister of Home Affairs explained that the implementation of PPKM is intended for public safety in the midst of a pandemic, one of which is by limiting community activities and mobility. However, his party did not justify the existence of violence in community discipline.

"We remain firm, but we need to be humane, humane, polite language, and not use excessive force," he said.

According to him, with the direction given regarding the PPKM law enforcement regulations, it is hoped that the Head of the PPKM will provide an explanation to the ranks so that they are able to control themselves, become professional police officers, and prioritize ethics and morals.

Not to forget, continued the Minister of Home Affairs, in carrying out their duties Satpol PP is equipped with a code of ethics that is bound by laws and regulations that need to be put forward.

"Don't equate Satpol PP with thugs. It's just a cool dress, but etiquette and behavior like thugs, shouldn't happen. Satpol PP is a noble profession, a respected profession, and what the community needs," said the Minister of Home Affairs.

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