JAKARTA - A number of regions with yellow status are welcome to implement the new normal. Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo thinks the area is ready to implement the new normal because the rate of virus transmission is low.

"Areas whose status has turned yellow, the risk is low. Please feel free to continue to the new normal," Doni said in an online press conference broadcast on the Cabinet Secretariat YouTube account, Thursday, January 4.

Meanwhile, for the red zone, he said, must be patient first. This is because, he continued, the application of new norms in areas with red zones has actually exacerbated the transmission of the COVID-19 virus in the community.

Doni is happy when many regions are competing to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

"We can see that there is competition in the midst of society so that they all work together to protect their area," said Doni.

However, the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) assesses that each region has different characteristics. Thus, the application of the new normality will be based on the conditions in the area.

Doni reminded local governments to carry out the socialization of the implementation of the new normality to the public. The goal is that people can remain disciplined in implementing new norms.

After the socialization, he said, the next step was to carry out a simulation. He emphasized that the simulation of a new normal phase is very important. "Without a simulation, it is hoped that this activity (the application of the new normality) should be postponed first," he said.

"Because the risks to be faced are certainly not easy, not light, not small. Thus, this process is something that needs to be taken very seriously," he added.

Previously, the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 had mapped three distribution zoning based on color. Green is an area that has not been affected, yellow is an area of low risk, orange is an area of moderate risk, and red is an area of high risk.

Some time ago, Doni announced that there were 102 districts and cities in the green zone for the spread of COVID-19 that could return to their activities. Of course, by implementing strict health protocols. Doni's decision was a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's direction.

Activities that have reopened are places of worship, markets, shops, public transportation facilities, hotels, restaurants, offices, and other areas deemed safe from the spread of this virus.

The need to pay attention to the capabilities of health facilities

Adib Khumaidi, Chairman of the Central Management of the Indonesian Emergency Doctors Association (PDEI), said there are several things that the government must pay attention to in implementing the new normal phase. Among other things, conducting an assessment of health services.

"The central and local governments must conduct an assessment of health service capability, mapping related to health facilities such as hospitals and health centers, infrastructure such as ICU rooms, isolation rooms, ventilators, and the number of qualified human resources in accordance with the standard guidelines for handling COVID-19," he said Adib through his written statement.

He reminded that the government must assess the capacity of health facilities. This is done with the aim of clearly separating health facilities related to COVID-19 and those that are not COVID-19.

According to Adib, the separation of the health facilities' capabilities needs to be done so that patient care is more optimal, the efficiency of the availability of special treatment rooms, and the efficiency of human resources and logistics.

In addition, this separation will minimize the potential for transmission, while maximizing the sustainability of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers.

Another thing that the government must do is improve the strategy for handling COVID-19 by preparing an emergency plan. This plan must be based on epidemiological and medical data accompanied by objective measurable indicators and parameters.

This plan will later become the basis for a system reference that will be implemented by involving medical professional organizations such as the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and health, as well as experts in the field of epidemiology for its assessment.

Then, in its implementation, Adib asked the government not to rush and carry out a number of studies before carrying it out.

"The government should not immediately step into the adaptation of a new order before conducting a comprehensive study by paying attention to epidemiological and medical references and making a road map and a transition phase with measurable indicators," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the evaluation of this phase, said Adib, it must be differentiated nationally and per region. Thus, the intervention focus of the evaluation is based on strong data by taking into account local wisdom and character in the community.

Government should also pay attention to communication and information regarding health protocols. According to him, in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, there must be a number of preventive efforts made so that people remain obedient to the government's appeal.

This includes cooperating with community leaders and government officials at all levels and enforcing firm rules and protocols. Especially in areas that have the potential to spread the virus such as markets, factories and other crowded places.

Another thing that must be done is that the government must reinforce the rules for complying with health protocols in the community.

"Confirming the rules for the obligation to wear masks, controlling physical and social distancing, preventing potential crowds or crowds through information and education. Strict sanctions can also be given if violations are found in all community activities," he concluded.

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