Gowa Satpol PP Secretary, Viral Hardik, Cafe Owner Removed From Position
Gowa Regent Adnan Purrichta Ichsan (personal Instagram DOK)

GOWA - Secretary of the Satpol PP Gowa, South Sulawesi, Mardani Hamdan was removed from his position. This decision is related to the violation of the case of mistreatment of the cafe owner during the PPKM inspection which went viral on social media.

"Based on the results of the examination, Mardani has violated the discipline of the ASN. On that basis, today, Saturday, July 17, I will remove the person concerned from his position," said Gowa Regent Adnan Purrichta Ichsan, Saturday, July 17.

Regent Adnan explained the reason for the new removal today. Gowa Satpol PP member Mardani Hamdan must first be examined by the inspectorate.

"Why don't I just remove the person concerned? That's because we are a state of law, upholding the presumption of innocence. That's why an inspection is carried out by the Inspectorate, as well as fulfilling the right of the person concerned to defend his actions," he explained.

Currently Mardani Hamdan has also been named a suspect in the case of persecution at the Gowa Police.

"If the law is processed later, the perpetrator will already have permanent legal force (inkracht). Then the next sentence will be seen based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 17/2020 concerning Amendments to PP No. 11/2017 concerning Civil Servant Management," said Regent Adnan.

With this regulation, the Regency Government will review its employment status if the decision has permanent legal force (inkracht).

"PJ Secretary of Gowa, I have also given a warning for his position as Secretary of Gowa. I took this decision based on my authority as regional head. This decision is also a warning to government officials in carrying out their duties," continued Adnan Regent.

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