JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil joked about the high pregnancy rate in the West Java region during the COVID-19 morning. It's just that, Ridwan's joke is considered less ethical. This is because there is something else that Ridwan can say, rather than making a joke of personal matters.

Through his personal Instagram account @ridwankamil, the Governor of West Java posted a screen capture of a news with the title 'Pregnancy Rate in Cirebon Rises During the Corona Pandemic' and several other news. He then wrote down his joke.

"It is negative for COVID but positive for pregnancy. Please, husbands are a little bit cheated, don't get gassed," he wrote, which was liked by 137,454 accounts and commented on 10,452 accounts.

An activist who has researched a lot of issues on women, gender, and human rights, Tunggal Pawestri, then spoke up about this joke. He understands that as a regional head, Ridwan may be worried about the possible population explosion in his area.

It's just that, this kind of appeal actually shows that social relations in the household are not yet balanced. So, instead of joking, there are other things that should be conveyed. Including, raising awareness of the importance of using contraceptives.

"As a regional head, perhaps the appeal was complemented by information on access to contraceptive services. So instead of regulating individual sexual life, it is better to inform him of the importance of contraception," Tunggal said when contacted by VOI via text message, Thursday, June 4.

"According to data from LBH APIK, the number of violence against women also increased during the pandemic. Has he made a statement about this?" he added.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner for the National Commission for Women (Komnas) Mariana Amiruddin assessed that what Ridwan said was less ethical. He understands, fathers often make jokes about sexual relations.

"But in terms of public officials, it should be more formal. If it wants to be serious, if it is to become a policy, it must be mixed with more standard language," said Mariana.

As a public official, he continued, of course, he must act in accordance with applicable laws and ethics. Moreover, when discussing women's issues.

Given, Indonesia has ratified a convention that talks about anti-discrimination against women. "So it's good for everyone to re-read how to become a public figure. Including when talking about women," he said.

Mariana understands that Ridwan threw the joke with the aim of making the message easily accepted by the public. It's just that, an official should carry out its function in providing education.

"As an official, we have to provide education to the public. ... Maybe if the language is more formal, serious, and serious, what the statement wants to convey, its relation to policy, is better," he concluded.

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