JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo's visit to residential areas during the Emergency Restrictions on the Implementation of Community Activities (PPKM) and in the midst of a spike in COVID-19 cases was deemed wrong.

"Blusukan during the PPKM period is dangerous," said PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera, Friday, July 16.

According to him, Jokowi's blusukan action is dangerous because it does not reflect the government's call to stay at home.

"It's not setting a good example of staying at home," said Mardani.

In addition, he said, the blusukan also showed an unsystematic way of working. The reason is that the community has not received social assistance evenly, especially the Emergency PPKM has been running for one week.

"There are many who complain that they have not received social assistance, and the presence of the state in this pandemic," he said.

The member of Commission II of the DPR said that the President's intention to directly distribute aid could be good if it was in accordance with the Emergency PPKM policy mechanism. Then, he said, of course you have to look at the situation of the transmission of the pandemic.

"The Delta variant is very contagious. Blusukan can be a medium of transmission," concluded Mardani.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited residential areas in the Sunter Agung area, North Jakarta (Jakut). Jokowi distributes basic food and medicine packages for COVID-19 patients.

Jokowi's visit was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account, Thursday, July 15, Jokowi came to Sunter Agung at around 20:52 WIB.

Jokowi said the distribution of basic needs was an early stage. According to him, there are hundreds of thousands of tons of rice that will be distributed to residents. In addition, Jokowi also distributed drug packages to residents who were exposed to COVID-19.

"Tonight I was in the village of Sunter Agung, in order to initiate the provision of basic necessities to the community, which will later be given in full, which we have prepared for 200 thousand tons of rice which will be distributed later from Bulog," said Jokowi.

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