JAKARTA - The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, reviewed the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination at campus and Islamic boarding school in Jakarta.

This activity is an effort by the TNI Commander to help the government accelerate the vaccination program to achieve herd immunity from the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2.

At the first location, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, the TNI Commander together with the National Police Chief, Listyo Sigit Prabowo, encouraged the health workers who served as vaccinators.

The vaccination activity, which was centered in the Sports Hall area of Atma Jaya Catholic University, involved 38 vaccinators from the TNI, Police, and dozens of young doctors from the Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya University.

The organizers are targeting to vaccinate 30,000 people, including residents of Setiabudi Subdistrict, all Jabodetabek residents, students, and their families, and students aged 12 years and over.

After making sure the vaccination went smoothly at Atma Jaya University, the TNI Commander continued his visit to the Minhaajurrosyidiin Islamic Boarding School in Lubang Buaya, Jakarta.

The TNI Commander expressed his gratitude to the administrators of the Islamic boarding school because they provided a place for COVID-19 vaccination activities for students and the community around the Islamic boarding school.

"Here, the place is spacious and suitable, and the circulation is good, open, and the field is wide", said the TNI Commander to the boarding school administrator as quoted from a written statement from the TNI Information Center.

74 health workers have served as vaccinators at the Minhaajurrosyiddin Islamic Boarding School since June 14, 2021. Dozens of health workers come from the TNI, Police, and the Cipayung Health Center in East Jakarta.

Around 1,000 people are targeted to be vaccinated at the Minhaajurrosyiddin Islamic Boarding School per day.

Since the last few weeks, the Commander has routinely checked various areas in the capital to review the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination.

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