JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) opens the opportunity to ensnare anyone deemed to be assisting former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Riezky Herbiyono on the run with Article 21 relating to obstruction of justice.

Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Nurul Ghufron said that despite this opportunity, the KPK would not rush to implement the article. This is because the KPK is still investigating and developing the two fugitives who were arrested on Monday, June 1 at 21.30 WIB.

"As long as the DPO is protected, assisted, or facilitated by other parties to hide it? If that is true then it is suspected of violating Article 21 of Law 31 of 1999 in conjunction with Law Number 20 of 2001. Then we will take action against these parties using this article," Ghufron said in a press conference for the arrests of DPO Nurhadi and Riezky, Tuesday, June 2.

He continued, although it was still carrying out investigations on the two suspects, the KPK was open to receiving information. All information entered will then be compiled and cross-checked with other evidence in the existing case.

Deny police guarding the safe house

Meanwhile, KPK Deputy for Enforcement, Karyoto, denied information about the house where Nurhadi was hiding, which was guarded by police. He also denied that Nurhadi received a premium security code from other law enforcers when he was about to be arrested.

"In fact, until last night we coordinated with the security apparatus to arrest them together. That then we entered, there was not the slightest obstacle," said Karyoto.

However, the KPK investigating team had to break the lock on the fence and door to Nurhadi's safe house because the suspect did not want to cooperate with the investigators who came. "So we have to forcibly open. But there is no obstacle or obstacle from any party," added Karyoto.

Chronology of the arrest of Nurhadi and his son-in-law

Previously, after being on the run since February, the KPK finally succeeded in arresting Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Riezky Herbiyono, who were suspects in the case of alleged bribery and gratification.

Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Nurul Ghufron, said that during the arrest, the team of investigators broke the lock of the gate and the house where Nurhadi was hiding.

The arrests, continued Ghufron, were carried out at 18.00 WIB when investigators received information from the public regarding the whereabouts of two people who were on the wanted list (DPO).

Next, the team then moved to the house which is located at Jalan Simprug Golf No.1, Grogol Selatan, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta with a warrant for arrest and search. According to him, the KPK team arrived at the former MA Secretary's safe house around 21.30 WIB.

"Initially the KPK investigating team was persuasive by knocking on the fence of the house but was ignored. Then the KPK investigators, accompanied by the head of the local RW and local RT administrators, made forced efforts to break the locks of the gates and doors of the house," Ghufron said in a press conference broadcast on the account. YouTube KPK, Tuesday, June 2.

After successfully entering the house which was a hiding place, the KPK then arrested Nurhadi and Riezky in two different rooms in the house.

"(Investigators, red) immediately made arrests of both of them," he said.

Then, the investigating team immediately took the two people to the KPK Red and White House to carry out further investigations related to the case. After completing their investigations, the two of them will be detained for the next 20 days at the Rutan KPK Kavling C1.

"Detention at the detention center was carried out on the two suspects for the first twenty days from June 2 to June 21," said Ghufron.

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