JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has appealed to the public to comply with the ban on holding Iduladha prayers in congregations in mosques and fields in the red and orange zones. Secretary-General of MUI Amirsyah Tambunan in his statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, said the government made the policy to reduce the rate of transmission of COVID-19.

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has issued Taushiyah Number Kep-1440/DP-MUI/VII/2021 regarding the implementation of worship, Iduladha prayer, and the implementation of sacrifices during the implementation of emergency community activity restrictions (PPKM).

"The implementation of Eid prayers refers to Fatwa Number 36 of 2020 concerning Eid prayers and the slaughter of sacrificial animals during the COVID-19 outbreak. Its implementation is left to the government on the basis of efforts to realize benefit (jalb al-mashlahah) and prevent mafsadat (daf'u al-mafsadah)," said Amirsyah Tambunan as reported by Antara.

The government closed activities in all houses of worship during the implementation of Emergency PPKM, 3-20 July. However, Amirsyah explained that the call to prayer could still be sounded by special officers who routinely do that.

In addition, administrators can optimize mosques and other places of worship as a means of education and rehabilitation for COVID-19, counseling, and assistance for people who are victims of COVID-19.

The Central Leadership (PP) of Muhammadiyah also asked the public not to carry out the Iduladha prayer in congregations in mosques and fields in the red and orange zones. "The Eid prayer in the field or mosque or in public facilities should be abolished," reads one of the appeal points of PP Muhammadiyah through Circular Number 05/EDR/I.0/E/2021.

In a circular letter, PP Muhammadiyah also stated that Iduladha prayers for those who wish can be performed at home with family members in the same way as Eid prayers in the field.

General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu'ti criticized the circulation of messages on social media accusing the communist government of banning Iduladha prayers in mosques. Abdul Mu'ti said that the public should be critical in responding to hoax news, disinformation, and pitting each other. "When millions of people get sick and die because of COVID-19, there are still those who create and spread useless garbage news," said Abdul Mu'ti in connection with the implementation of Emergency PPKM in a number of regions in Indonesia.

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