JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta DPRD has urged DKI Governor Anies Baswedan to relax the status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). It is known, the PSBB in DKI will end on June 4.

Member of Commission B for the Economy of DKI DPRD Gilbert Simanjuntak suggested Anies to start socializing the easing of the PSBB. This is because the government has planned to undergo a new normal period during the early days of COVID-19.

"The easing that is planned should be socialized now, because it is not easy to disseminate information, especially among the lower classes," Gilbert said when contacted by VOI, Monday, June 1.

The government, said Gilbert, could start socializing it to the lower class community through RT and RW units. Due to their limited economic capacity, regional officials must also regularly distribute masks.

In addition, Gilbert said, the easing is carried out over several phases and evaluated every two weeks. In addition, the opening of restaurants and shopping centers will be carried out in the second phase after the first evaluation.

"We must have the courage to live in the face of reality," he said.

Opening of places of worship

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, encouraged the DKI Provincial Government to review the rules for reopening houses of worship. According to him, it is time for citizens to be able to carry out their usual activities, provided that the health protocol mandated by the government is implemented.

The DKI Provincial Government, he said, could refer to the Circular of the Minister of Religion Number 15 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Religious Activities in Houses of Worship in Realizing a Productive and Safe Society for COVID during the Pandemic.

"Indeed, it is time for these residents not to be afraid and not to be afraid. Therefore I ask the government to review the rules for citizens to do activities, including returning to worship at places of worship," said Prasetio.

From these regulations, the DKI Provincial Government needs to explain the details regarding the requirements that need to be applied to every house of worship that will be reopened. This requirement must be re-verified in stages from the head of the sub-district task force to the provincial level for approval to open houses of worship.

Prasetio also encouraged environmental devices ranging from RT, RW, FKDM, Babinsa, to Babikamtibmas to start socializing the reopening of places of worship by implementing the applicable health protocol for preventing the transmission of COVID-19.

"Citizens' understanding of the protocol that conforms to this standard needs to be raised. Citizens need assistance. Therefore, I ask all local government officials to go to the field," he said.

School opening

Apart from shopping centers and places of worship, schools are also suggested to open. Member of Commission E for People's Welfare, Zita Anjani, rejects the protracted school closure. He regretted that the government, both central and regional, currently had no clear plans for opening schools.

"Children are already stressed because their emotional and social development is disturbed. I can't stand to see them being uprooted from their world. The state must prepare a world that is safe for children, not hanging and even keeping it away," said Zita.

The deputy chairman of the DKI DPRD also questioned the ministry's readiness in preparing an online learning curriculum. Then, the procedure for organizing the new normal education that President Joko Widodo has instructed has not yet been conveyed.

"There needs to be infrastructure such as an adequate number of sinks for washing hands. Create an online curriculum that can be used as a guide. If this is ready, schools can also be opened tomorrow. If not prepared, December is still at risk," said Zita.

Anies is still nervous

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that his party would still review to end or even extend the status of the PSBB in Jakarta. Anies emphasized that it is not the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government or experts who can determine whether the PSBB is extended or not, but the behavior of the people that determines it.

Furthermore, Anies said, if the behavior of the whole community restrains itself, then the reproductive rate of the virus drops, then the implementation of the PSBB could end on June 4. However, on the other hand, if it does not show a decrease, then the rule must be extended.

"If at this time someone said that the mall will open on June 5, the mall will open on the 7th, that's imagination. It's fiction because there is no rule that says the PSBB is ended," said Anies.

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