JAKARTA - A member of the OPM terrorist group Gumanggup Enumbi has been arrested by joint TNI/Polri officers at Pintu Jawa Kindergarten, Puncak Regency, Papua.

Gumanggup Enumbi has been on the wanted list along with two other people with the initials ME and MT.

The Commander of the Public Relations Task Force of the Nemangkawi Task Force, Commissioner Iqbal Aqudusy in a statement quoted by Antara, Monday, July 12, said, based on information from the Elang II Task Force that the stone burning event in Ninggilome Village, Magaibume District, Puncak Regency, in the context of the inauguration of the church, will be attended by several figures of terrorist groups OPM.

At that time, he said, the commander of the YR 715/Mtl Task Force had ordered the personnel of the Pintu Jawa TK to inspect all vehicles passing through the Pintu Jawa TK to block the movement of the OPM separatist group from Mulya in Puncak Jaya Regency to Ninggilome Village, Magaibume District, Puncak Regency. .

Three suspected terrorists from the OPM KKB were arrested with the initials GE (41, a resident of Yambi Village, Yambi District), Umanggup Enumbi, Mogi Enumbi, a resident of Yambi Village, Yambi District, and Male Telenggen (a resident of Yambi Village, Yambi District). Both are GE partners whose involvement is being investigated by joint TNI/Polri personnel.

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