JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, stated that the government will bear the costs of handling post-immunization follow-up events (AEFI) experienced by users of paid COVID-19 vaccination services. minister of health)," he said when asked for information in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, July 11. The regulation he meant was Minister of Health Regulation No. 18 of 2021 regarding the implementation of vaccinations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Active participants of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program are carried out based on the service financing mechanism in the JKN program. For non-active JKN participants and non-JKN participants, the financing for handling AEFIs is carried out using funds sourced from the state revenue and expenditure budget in accordance with the legislation in the field of state finance.

For active JKN participants, health services related to the handling of AEFIs are carried out at health facilities in partnership with the Health Social Security Administration. For non-active JKN participants and non-JKN participants, health services are provided equivalent to services for JKN class III program participants or at above class III if the patient concerned wants and is willing to pay the difference in costs. Siti Nadia said that the paid COVID-19 vaccination service could be used by people who were not covered by the government's vaccination service program. She stated that the mutual cooperation vaccination program organized by the company for workers since May 2021 it is also classified as a paid vaccination service. "Gotong royong vaccination is also paid, but the company pays for the employees. But if the mutual cooperation vaccine is paid for by the individual concerned," he said.

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