JAKARTA - Public interest and enthusiasm in participating in the vaccination program is quite high. This can be seen from the vaccination program organized by the DKI Jakarta NasDem Party DPW, which continues to be flooded with participants.

"Alhamdulillah, so far the response from the community has been extraordinary to participate in the COVID-19 vaccination," said the Secretary of the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the DKI Jakarta NasDem Party, Wibi Andrino, in a written statement, in Jakarta, Saturday, July 10.

According to him, since the COVID-19 Task Force Command Post program: NasDem Peduli Vaccination Centers which were held in 5 DKI areas from July 5 to Friday (9/7) there were 11,004 residents who received the first dose of vaccine.

The enthusiasm of the people of Jakarta can be seen from the daily data since the vaccination at the 5 NasDem Vaccination Centers. That is, on Monday (5/7) there were 1,936 people who were vaccinated, Tuesday (6/7) 1,786 people.

"The number of participants rose to 2,165 people on Wednesday (7/7). Then, Thursday (8/7) it rose again to 2,362 participants. Friday (9/7) another 2,731 residents were vaccinated," said Wibi.

By increasing the number of residents taking the vaccine, Wibi is optimistic that the target of participants will be met until the schedule for injecting the first dose ends August 1, 2021.

"Then we will continue with the second dose on August 2-29. God willing, everything will run smoothly, safely and in an orderly manner," he hoped.

Wibi further said that the increase in the number of residents who want to be vaccinated proves that Jakarta residents are increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining health, especially preventing themselves from the dangers of the Corona virus.

"Vaccines are very important because they can have a positive impact on those exposed to the Corona virus. At least, the vaccine can reduce symptoms and risks," he said.

Wibi also appreciated the administrators and cadres of the NasDem Party who had provided very maximum service for the people of DKI and its surroundings who participated in the vaccination at the NasDem Care Vaccination Center.

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